Page 6 - TANNOCHSIDE DRIVE brochure v2
P. 6


           The property is elected for VAT.
           LEGAL COSTS

           Each party to be responsible for their own legal
           costs incurred in any transaction.

           Available on request.
           RENT                                                                                                                                                    TANNOCHSIDE DRIVE   |   TANNOCHSIDE PARK   |   UDDINGSTON   |   G71 5PD

           Upon application.

           The premises are entered in the current Valuation
           Roll with a rateable value of £168,000.

           VIEWING                                                                                CONTACT
                                                                                                  For further information of if you wish to arrange a viewing
           Viewings are strictly by appointment only through        DRAFT
                                                                                                  please do not hesitate to contact:
           the sole selling agent.
           VAT                                                                                    Gregor Harvie             Alan Gilkison
                                                                                                  07765 255 988
                                                                                                                            07770 331 525
            Unless otherwise stated, all prices, rents and
           premiums are quoted exclusive of VAT. Prospective
           purchasers/ lessees are advised to satisfy
           themselves independently as to the incident of
           Value Added Tax in respect of this transaction.

           ANTI MONEY

           The money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and
           Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer)                                      The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations
                                                                                             2017 requires the agents acting on both sides of any qualifying transaction to undertake appropriate due
           Regulations 2017 came into force on 26th June                                     diligence in relation to, and in advance of, any such transaction, including identif ying and verifying all relevant
           2017. This now requires us to conduct due                                         parties and establishing the source(s) and legitimacy of funding. Both parties will disclose all relevant
                                                                                             information, prior to conclusion of missives /exchange, required to enable the agents to meet their respective
           diligence not only on our client but also on any                                  obligations under the Regulations. Ryden is a limited liability partnership registered in Scotland. Messrs Ryden
           purchasers or occupiers. Once an offer has                                        for themselves and for vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are given notice that: (i) the
                                                                                             particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees, and do not
           been accepted, the prospective purchaser(s)/                                      constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract; (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition
           occupier(s) will need to provide, as a minimum,                                   and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any
                                                                                             intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must
           proof of identity and residence and proof of                                      satisfy themselves by inspect ion or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (iii) no person in the
           funds for the purchase, before the transaction                                    employment of Messrs Ryden has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty what ever in
                                                                                             relation to this property.
           can proceed.                                                                      January 2025.                             Produced by Designworks.
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