Page 31 - 4-5-Lochside-Avenue-Edinburgh-Brochure-sep 2024
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Scotland’s capital city with a   Over 50% of working age   The city has a strong    Home to the National Museum   The city attracts more overseas   The UK’s second largest
 population of 524,930. Home to   residents educated to   educational heritage boasting    of Scotland, the Scottish National   visitors per year than any other   and Europe’s fourth largest
 the Scottish Parliament and the   degree level or above  6 universities and 3 colleges  Gallery, the Scottish National Portrait   UK city outside London   financial centre
 heart of the Scottish legal system  Gallery and the Scottish National
        Gallery of Modern Art

        Edinburgh Airport is Scotland’s
        busiest and UK’s 6th busiest
        airport with 37 airlines flying 221
        routes to 158 destinations

           New York              Dublin                             Amsterdam                                       Doha
           6hrs 30min            1hr 30min                          1hr 12min                                       7hrs 20min

           Toronto                            London                   Frankfurt
           7hrs 30min                         1hr 10min                1hr 55min

           Chicago                                     Paris              Munich
           8hrs 35min                                  1hr 30min
 In March 2020 Edinburgh    Edinburgh boasts    Home to the world famous   2hrs 15min
 was voted one of the top 20   more green space than    Edinburgh International
 cities worldwide for wellbeing   any other UK city  Festival and the Edinburgh
 based on factors such as   Festival Fringe along with a
 happiness, healthcare and   myriad of additional festivals
 access to green spaces                                                         Rome                        Istanbul
                                                                                                            4hrs 20min
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