Page 9 - The Hub-Kirkhill Brochure 2025 v3
P. 9

Recent Development Completed by Knight Property Group

                                                             RENT | SALE TERMS                                  RATEABLE VALUE
                                                             Information on the quoting rents and sale          The properties will be assessed by Aberdeen City
                                                             prices is available on application.                Council upon occupation.

                                                             SERVICE CHARGE                                     LEGAL COSTS
                                                             The tenant will be responsible for a proportionate   The ingoing tenant will be responsible for their
                                                             share for the payment of a service charge          legal expenses, together with LBTT and
                                                             in relation to the landscaping, maintenance,       Registration Dues.
                                                             servicing and administration of the contracts,
                                                             serving the non-exclusive parts of the estate.     VAT
               ON THE INSTRUCTIONS OF:                                                                          All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT.
                                                             ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE
                                                             An EPC Rating of A is being targeted.

                                                                                                         01224 219000
        Please contact the letting agents:

                                                             Daniel Stalker                             Dom Millar                    Derren McRae
        Misrepresentation Act. The particulars contained in this brochure are believed to   E.    E.   E.
        be correct, but cannot be guaranteed. All liability, any negligence or otherwise
        for any loss arising from the use of these particulars is hereby excluded.  M.  01224 588866    M.  01224 219000              M.  01224 219000
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