Page 3 - 60queens-road-2025
P. 3


                                                                                                           The subject property is part of the designated “West End
                                                                                                           Area” in the adopted Aberdeen Local Development Plan
                                                                                                           2023. According to Policy VC6, this area comprises a mix

                                                                                                           other commercial uses. Policy VC6 supports the principle of

                                                                                                           However, all proposals must take existing uses into account and

                                                                                                           in addition to respecting the special historic and architectural
                                                                                                           character of the West End. Accordingly, we believe 60 Queen’s

                                                                                                           residential or potentially a hotel with ancillary bars/restaurants,
                                                                                                           since similar premises are established in the immediate area.

                                                                                                           Also, as the subject property is a Category B Listed Building
                                                                                                           within the Albyn Place / Rubislaw Conservation Area, external
                                                                                                           alterations will likely require both Full Planning Permission and
                                                                                                           Listed Building Consent. Interested parties should liaise with
                                                                                                           Aberdeen City Council’s Planning Department to determine the
                                                                                                           suitability of their intended use and alterations.
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